One Night with the King of Kings...

The topic alone, makes me giggle.... It is inspired by a very close friend of mine, who saw the pictures of the trip just before they were posted on Facebook.  Her response warmed my heart.  

Here it is:
"Thank you so much for this wonderful pictures u have sent. May u come out as a Queen. Just as u took a challenge of " One Night with the King of Kings" I am so happy for you my sister.  Be a blessing." (unedited)

Nature is absolutely beautiful,  God is an awesome Creator.  It is one of those things that I truly appreciate, it is a testimony of His greatness. How can one doubt when the Universe is full of overwhelming evidence?

And why one night with the King of Kings? To refresh my spirit. God is a God of balance,  I like that He thinks about everything, even things that seem small yet have a great impact.   Funny 'cos as I approached a mountain, all my mind could think of was how a faith as small as a mustard seed could move a mountain (Mark 11).  It dawned on me how God is able to take a small things and use them for His Glory!  The small cloud during Elijah's time that ended the drought,  Gideon who was from a small clan but was able to defeated the multitudes of armies of the enemies, yes, a small boy who defeated a mighty man of war (David and Goliath)! God is great, He is above all things, we may seem small and inadequate, but He is great and that is what matters.

Hence that was my lesson from "One Night with the King of Kings" :))))

                        Pic Moment: The heavens proclaim......They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Psalm 19

Much luv


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